If you're reading this post it's either because you happened to click on my blog, or you got my original email with the link to my blog. I want to see how many people I can get to sign my blog by sending out one email. Post as anonymous if you dont want to sign up, and then add your name, city, state and anything else you want in the comments area.
John Dent
Dad, I deleted your genealogy posts out of here and put them under Genealogy.
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Why does everyone like their emial answered but rarely answer their own?
Why do people FORWARD emails with all the philosophical thoughts? Don't they have philosophical thoughts of their own?
In Response to the "How far can one e-mail go" Test...
Morgan L Pecukonis.
Brush, Co.
Additional Comments:
I was really bored and this gave me something to do, thank you.
Hi, it's me, you're loving wife. I just read everything everyone's posted. TOO COOL! Good luck with your test. :)
I'm sorry, but I do not forward any mail. This is not what email is for. I have told all my relatives not to send me anything but NEWS ABOUT THEIR FAMILIES. If this ends here, forgive me because I do not believe in forwarding email. Thank you and good luck
Hmmm, the person above me seems cranky and they have not posted their name. I'm trying to detemine who this is. I have to say that I sometimes get tired of forward but only the ones that promise to give me bad luck if I don't forwar dit to someone. I especially don't like those religious ones that say God doesn't like me anymore if I don't forward. God was fine with me long before e-mail (and even though I'm young, I remember a time before e-mail). So tell me who you are person above me who hates forwards because now I'm going to be self-conscious if I forward you an e-mail and I don't know who you are. PS - I love my brother John and I live in Parker, CO. My name is Katherine Alexander, Mother to Madalyn the Great.
Sounds like a fun way to pass the time, and I don't normally pass thing on, but then again, I don't do much normally. (define normal for me)
Good luck with your email.
Some of the responses are funny! I'm curious to see how far this goes! Good Luck!!
Claudia Barroso
Denver, CO
Hello... just helping out!
Houston, TX
Good luck from Houston, TX
RE: a test to see how far one email message can go
Sarah Yarbrough
Atlanta, GA
RE: a test to see how far one email message can go
Sarah Yarbrough
Atlanta, GA
Hi John!
This is from your new family in Mississippi! Good luck with your email test! Let us know how it turns out. Our love to all.
Alta and Steve
another thread in the chain - in Denver
Just adding to your email test. Jason from Goldsboro, NC.
Tonia from San Antonio, TX got your original email.
Hello John,
I got your original e-mail from Michelle. It looks as if other people have been able to click on your link from the e-mail, which is good, but I wanted to let you know that it was giving me problems when I tried (sorry). Anyway, I hope you get many many more responses.
Tracye Noland
Denver, CO
Fortunately the one "weak link" above won't bring an end to this test e-mail. I think he/she needs to pull the chain out of his/her butt! Good Luck John! Love you - L (mother of your favorite nephew)
Centennial, CO
John (aka BlogMaster JD)
I think that this is a great idea.
One comment, aren't you violating the very sanctity of free speech by removing blog posts... Perhaps if you find the need to delete stuff you can inform us as to the nature of the belligerent content, and out the offender. We can then chastise that individual both publicly and privately. Perhaps we could even go so far as to give them a "Blogging"!!!
-Anonymously Anonymous- (Brian)((Please don't confuse my pseudonym with Alcholics Anonymous. I have no 7 step program. Just one step...))
The removed posts were put into Genealogy where they belong.
Is that entirely true?
Forgot my other discerning information...
Brian Alexander
Denver, CO
Reached San Antonio Texas
Interesting stuff dude. When are you going to post your takes on J. Kerry?
- Kirk Barney
Seattle, WA
Kay Champan
Seattle, WA
Keri Waterland
Tacoma, WA
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